Code of Conduct:

BBG is focused on having higher standards and values to support its mission of success and high industry integrity for individual members and our organization as a whole. This Code of Conduct was developed to help our members meet and exceed those standards. BBG members are to embody and abide by this Code of Conduct to maintain the integrity of BBG, fellow members and to remain in good membership standing.

BBG is a values-based organization with the purpose of providing a richer, more meaningful experience for store owners to further grow and learn from each other. 

When members stray from this purpose, it discredits our organization and our members.

The BBG Code of Conduct is as follows:

  • BBG discussions must always be a safe place for members to disclose all aspects of the business. Because of this, any information gained through BBG is proprietary material and will never be shared with non-member, sales representatives, or manufacturers.
  • BBG members will always show mutual respect to fellow members. Every member is entitled to openly present his or her own business ideas and will never feel limited in what he or she shares, regarding their business, with the organization. “Bullying” or “Ganging Up” on any member is unacceptable.
  • Promoting your own side-business is strictly prohibited. BBG is a place for stores to interact with stores only.
  • Members of BBG will not openly or consistently be found to be transshipping.
  • Inappropriate jokes, comments, pictures, or video are not to be posted in the Facebook Group.
  • Posts of a political nature will not be tolerated.
  • BBG members who conduct business with one another (consignment, selling samples, etc.) should always pay their debts to each other promptly. Owing money to another BBG store is grounds for losing your membership and access to any paid events without a refund.
  • BBG members will project a professional image and uphold the highest standards of professionalism.
  • BBG members will not engage in conduct or activities involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, or discrimination – especially towards another BBG member.
  • BBG members will not make disparaging, false claims about other members of BBG or BBG sponsors/supporters.
  • BBG members will not open a competing store within another members territory or relocate to their area. The Recruitment/Membership Committee must approve of new locations.  If a location is not approved, membership may be cancelled immediately without refund for dues or upcoming events.
  • Franchise locations or licensing your store name to other businesses is prohibited and will result in immediate termination without expectation of a refund of dues or paid events.
  • BBG Members will pay annual membership dues on each bridal store/location they own.
  • If a member intentionally withholds information about additional stores/locations it is grounds for cancelation of their membership without expectation of a refund of dues or paid events.
  • BBG members will not use BBG as a means to start a competing organization.
  • BBG Members will not do anything that would hurt BBG’s reputation, diminish the effectiveness of the organization or harm its reputation in the bridal community.
  • Will not engage in conduct unbecoming of a BBG member in general.

The goal of our Code of Conduct is to maintain a safe place for our members to learn, support each other and thrive. BBG and the BBG Leadership Committee are committed to the positive virtues and aspects that are acceptable for our community as a whole. BBG membership is at-will. Should BBG become aware that a member is in violation of this Code of Conduct, they may lose their membership and privileges at any time with no expectation of a refund of dues or paid events. BBG reserves the right to update the Code of Conduct as needed.

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